ARTivisten e.V.



“One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.”  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Did you know that:

  • Imagination and critical thinking are developed through art.
  • Everyone is born creative. Some just need more practice to find their creativity.
  • The research found that learning and practicing art strongly correlates with higher achievement in reading and maths.
  • New brain research showed that creativity, social development, and self-worth, are promoted through art.

These facts are further enhanced when working in groups, especially through artistic workshops, where collaboration among participants is fundamental.

At ARTivisten e.V., our unwavering dedication to fostering inclusivity drives us to continuously innovate artistic and creative workshops. Our mission encompasses a multitude of goals:

  • Empower personal and collective growth: We are committed to nurturing the development of each participant, irrespective of age, background, immigration status, beliefs, or gender identity. Our workshops provide a platform for self-discovery, enabling individuals to unlock their true potential.
  • Foster collaborative connections: Through engaging and inclusive interactions, we cultivate a spirit of teamwork. With respect and empathy at the core, our workshops encourage participants to collaborate, ensuring an enjoyable and harmonious environment for all.
  • Amplify individual strengths: We strive to enhance the unique qualities of each participant within their respective fields of development. By empowering individuals to embrace their talents, we aim to bolster their sense of purpose and reaffirm their life’s
  • calling.
    Build a network of connections: We believe in the power of forging meaningful connections. Through our workshops, participants have the opportunity to establish new networks, facilitating their social integration and fostering a stronger sense of community.

For this purposes, our workshops are conducted in the following areas:

  • Music
  • Visual Arts
  • Drawing
  • Exhibitions
  • Theater
  • Dance
  • Lectures
  • Seminars

We have a staff of professional artists and facilitators in each of these areas, with the necessary skills to adapt to your needs